Saturday, April 4, 2009

I was studying for my Sunday School lesson which in part is about giving thanks to God. Even though it's not November, we should always give thanks and praise to God for all that He's done, for all that He's given us. The reason some people don't want to praise Him more or magnify Him more is because it'll take all the attention off of them. I believe that people who believe in the mighty God that we serve, yet refuse to see Him for as big as He truly is do so because if they admitted that, they'd have to start living like they believe it, and that would "cramp" their life style. They couldn't keep on in their addictions....because they are good for alot of attention...albeit negative attention...they could not have so much drama in their lives, because that causes people to come to their rescue and give them attention. We tend to want the focus to be on us, but when we give thanks to God it has to turn to Him and be all about Him. We are not desiring to glorify God in our bodies to the point of death as Paul was....whether its' a physical death or whether it's the slow dying of self so that He can be glorified in us.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Hi, I am new to blogging and this is my first official blog. I thought a while about what to name my blog, even searched for some tips on the internet and realized how inept I am about all this. However, I wanted to give it a try and see if I could pass on some good news and spread some love...